9 Things About Me

  1.  When I was little, my hair was red and curly.
  2. I love performing improv and, as of this writing, am on 3 improv teams (look at the general ABOUT ME page for more)
  3. I was a cat person until we got Gatsby. Now I’m more of a dog person. Or at least a Gatsby person.
  4. I love me some sushi, but I am not a fan of uni or octopus. I just don’t like the taste of uni, and octopi are so darn smart and fun to watch I can’t stomach them.
  5. I don’t like Apple products. Fight me.
  6. Things I need to prevent crankiness:
    1. Sleep
    2. Coffee
    3. Food
    4. Writing
  7. I had no meds when I gave birth to my middle child. I had pain meds for the third. My first was induced, so I had no choice.
  8. When I was little, I wanted to take art lessons, but my parents couldn’t make it happen. I decided to be a writer since I didn’t need supplies.
  9. I wish my mother had taught me Japanese. She thought us kids wouldn’t learn English well if we knew Japanese. But Japanese is darn hard to learn as an adult.

19 thoughts on “9 Things About Me

    1. That is a good question! I think it’s just how I carried the babies each baby…and they were fairly large. And I gained a lot of weight even while on a calorie restricted diet, like I retained a lot of water or something.

  1. Hi, Margaret!
    I adore the way you write. It’s kind of the way I think, so it kind of feels like you’re reading my mind. I just joined the Moms Meeting Moms group on Meetup.org and was looking through the bios of the moms and saw that you are a published author and we share some similar interests. So, yeah, I looked you up. Your blog made me giggle and I totally “got” it. So I’m definitely going to buy your book. I’ve always wanted to call myself a writer, but I don’t seem to be able to justify doing nothing but write without a degree that says I should do so… so I do nothing at all most days. Hmmm…. I started my website just before my husband started talking about this San Diego thing. So I haven’t done anything with it since, but I intend to. When I was writing from my hometown, I felt like an Expert and an Authority on certain areas of life, and like maybe I had something to say someone might want to read about. Here I don’t feel much of anything yet (but still a little pissed, perhaps?). But I’m working on it. Anyway, I’m more North Coastal, but hope to meet you at an event one of these days.

  2. Hello!
    I just finished your book five minutes ago, after starting it on Thanksgiving Day! It came from my aunt, with much recommendation! I had been looking for a while for a book, that was so good that I couldn’t put down and I found it in this book. I got so absorbed in every word and every single character and their feelings! As I was reading, I started to picture who would play them in the movie version if it is ever made one day! I am so looking forward to your next novel!

    Kylee Sartwell

  3. Well, right now, I am picturing Jeff Bridges as Charlie and Selena Gomez as Helena! I think that they might be too young if age is a concern as I know Selena Gomez is a little bit older as Helena but I think she definitely has the looks and I think that Charlie is a bit older than Jeff Bridges as well. I am not too familiar with with many actors that would be able to play most of the main characters. But those are just my thoughts!

  4. Hi Margaret,
    I just finished your book How to be an American Housewife, it was recommended at my book club, I usually never can finish a novel with being a mom but this one I could not put down. I could relate to your story on so many levels, I come from a Chinese/Japanese/Hawaiian background in my upbringing and marriage so I can see this turning into a movie some day like Amy Tan’s the Joyluck Club, keep writing and I will continue to read your books!

    I’m not sure if this is the blog to respond to your books but i thought it would be a good start!

  5. I just read your book in less than 4 hours and I’m sort of upset I read it so fast! My mother is Korean and my father American (Polish/Czech, if you must know) so I could totally relate to the wonderful Asian mom/daughter dynamic.

    Lovely story!

  6. Loved your book! Once Sue got to Japan, I couldn’t put it down! Thank you for a beautiful story.

  7. We are reading “How to be an American Housewife” for book club. I loved it so much that I hustled right on to read “The Care and Handling of Roses”. Both are just what I’ve needed in the way of achieving reading satisfaction! I will put you on my “authors to watch” list. Thank you!

  8. Hi Margaret! I’m reading Housewfie right now and am really enjoying it! I got a signed copy from my dad, Tom, whom you have met. I actually went to school with Cadillac. I think he is a year older but we were in a 5th/6th combination class together. And I believe your mother-in-law substitute taught at the school, as I remember her too. I’m just getting to the part in the book where Sue goes to Japan and am looking forward to reading it, as we were stationed at Misawa Air Base for three years and really enjoyed our time there. Best wishes in all your writing endeavors!

  9. Hi Margaret, I’m almost done with “How to Be an American Housewife,” and am enjoying it so much! I got it for $3 at a Dollar General Market store (sorry for low price) but it has given me so much enjoyment. Already ordered your book about Roses (also at a cheap price thru Better World Books, an organization that donates books to underprivileged in Africa and other palces). My husband and I were fortuante enought to visit Japan twice. My love affair began with the movie “Sayonara” when I must have been about 12 or so. Also saw movie and read book about an American woman from Johnson City, TN, who met and married a junior Japanese diplomat in 1930’s Washington, DC and lived in Japan during World War II. The title of book and movie was “Bridge to the Sun,” and starred Carroll Baker and James Shigeta. Thanks so much for your beautiful book. Look forward to reading more of your works. Kind regards, Maureen J. Patton

  10. I’m pretty sure that you wrote #5 as a sort of prophecy of my adolescence because that is SPOT ON.

    Stopping by from BlogHer because I will be in your Pathfinder Day session and I needed to gather some intel beforehand 🙂

    1. Great! Look forward to meeting you.

      I’m totally going to plant a bunch of weird items in my blog and constantly refer to them throughout the session. You’ll be the only one who understands what I’m talking about:)

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